Nomad List travel API

Discover the Best Cities & cost of living for Digital Nomads.

Explore our API to find the perfect city for your digital nomad lifestyle and travel purpose. Filter and sort by internet score, population, overall score and more. Fast, reliable and cheap.

API Documentation



List cities with various filters.

Query Parameters:
  • - orderBy (Default: overall_score)
  • - order (Default: desc)
  • - page (Default: 1)
  • - limit (Default: 10, Max: 25)
  • - country (Optional)
  • - country_code (Optional)
  • - region (Optional)


Get details of a specific city.

    Use short_slug of any city to get details:
  • - id (Required, Default: lausanne)

Example Response

Here is an example of a response you might get from our API when querying for a specific city.

 "id": "4e47443a-17a2-44a0-af2d-0f38ef1669bf",
 "air_quality": null,
 "air_quality_now": 30,
 "air_quality_now_score": 4,
 "air_quality_score": 5,
 "cost_for_expat_in_usd": 3570,
 "cost_for_family_in_usd": 8018,
 "cost_for_local_in_usd": 2291,
 "cost_for_nomad_in_usd": 5817,
 "cost_score": 1,
 "country": "Switzerland",
 "country_chinese": "瑞士",
 "country_code": "CH",
 "country_slug": "switzerland",
 "descriptionFromReview": null,
 "humidity": "79",
 "image": ",fit=cover,width=600,height=300,quality=25/",
 "image_lastmod": 1705709541,
 "internet_score": 3,
 "internet_speed": 40,
 "last_2_year_growth": null,
 "latitude": "46.5199617",
 "likes_score": null,
 "long_slug": "lausanne-switzerland",
 "longitude": "6.6335971",
 "name": "Lausanne",
 "name_chinese": "洛桑",
 "overall_score": 2,
 "rank": 1119,
 "region": "Europe",
 "safety_level": 4,
 "short_slug": "lausanne",
 "slug": "lausanne-switzerland",
 "state": "",
 "state_chinese": "",
 "state_code": "",
 "temperatureC": "6",
 "temperatureC_feels_like": 4,
 "temperatureF": "43",
 "temperatureF_feels_like": 39,
 "total_score": 2,
 "users_count": 1,
 "users_count_been": 102,
 "users_count_been_est": 20400,
 "users_count_est": 200,
 "weather_emoji": "🌧",
 "weather_icon": "wi-day-rain",
 "boost": null,
 "xata_id": "rec_cocgo1tqrj630v9nrefg",
 "xata_version": 3,
 "xata_createdat": "2024-04-12T10:25:12.040Z",
 "xata_updatedat": "2024-04-20T11:51:42.888Z",
 "population": 137810

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